Sunday, July 26, 2009

ugh, i need to pee. but don't want to get up.

it has come to my attention that i have become quite a lazy bastard when it involves updating my blog. i suck!

anyhow, i am on my way to lake vermillion right now, staying the night in a hotel in st. paul, MN. i'll update my blog for REAL once i return to the sunflower state, but i'll give you a few tasty morsels. or something like that.

right now, i'm enjoying my last little bit of internets, and watching some msnbc (i love me some msnbc!) currently on tap, to catch a predator i don't know what it is about this show, but for some reason, i can't stop watching when it's on. maybe that's MY compulsion? lol.

man... the ride up here was kinda nuts. just because there was so much construction on I35.

i'm reading and the band played on and it is taking me forEVER! it's very in-depth, and very.... i don't know, i'm not being so eloquent 'cos it's getting late, and i didn't sleep well last night. pick it up, though. it's a mere 630ish pages, but well worth it. i'm hoping to finish it up at the lake. we'll see how i stick to my goal. (i also want to go over my GRE study cards)

hmm... i suppose i should get back to my trainwreck tv. and then sleep. take it easy folksters!