Monday, March 21, 2011

early morning musings

i figured since i'm up, i may as well do something productive.

since coming back from germany, i have not been able to slip back into the regularly scheduled programming, that is the KS time zone. the first night, i was in an airport, so it's understandable i was unable to sleep. the second night, i woke up at 03.00, and then today, i managed to make it until 03.45


anyhow, while in the great land of DE, i decided to make some adjustments to my own life when i got back to the states. mainly, that i am going to start walking to and from work. it's really not far at all. 1.7 miles (2.74km) each way. so, i'll be able to sneak in 3.7 miles (5.48km) per day! at least, on the days that i walk to work. i'm sure there will be plenty of rainy days that i won't feel up to treking around in the water.

i'm also going to start altering my diet, so that i eat less processed food. and, so that i stop eating randomly, just because i'm bored, or because "well, obviously, at noon, we eat" - so much of the time, i will eat, just because i am "supposed to" and not because i'm actually hungry.

i ended up losing around 11lbs (5kg) while i was over in germany, and i'd REALLY like to keep it off! my pants (the ones that i bought because i couldn't fit into my OTHER pants) were getting tight, and now, they fit me quite well!

finally, soda. as i said several times, while i was there, i consumed about 0,5litre of pepsi light. that's ~16oz in over two weeks. here in the states, i was drinking 20oz (~0,6l) EVERY day! and that's on a light day! @ $1,70 per soda, that was costing me $11,90 per week! BEFORE taxes. (w/ tax, $12,93!) and that's if i only had one 20oz soda a day. frequently, on weekdays i had two. so, a whopping $20,40 per week before tax! ($22,14 after tax) hopefully, i can keep this up, put that $1,7 into a jar, and every month put that into my savings account for my next trek to detushland!

ok, sorry if you read this, it was kind of my own manifesto to keep myself motivated.

it's about 05.45 now, time to get ready for work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like it!!!