Thursday, March 5, 2009

we lahv her!

today was a very busy day for me indeed!

i woke up (too) early today. which was kinda irritating 'cos thursday is generally the only day i get to sleep in. i was awoken at 8ish to the neighbor using a chain saw. seriously, a chainsaw at 8am?

anyhow, i then got a call from fedex about my fish (did i mention i ordered a fish?) being in. yay! i spent several hours doing drip acclimation for him/her. drip acclimation is an incredibly lengthy project, but it is vital in order to guarantee the survival of a salt water fish. watch that, it's what i have to do every time i get a new saltwater fish.

the fish seems to be doing well so far. s/he's found a hidey-hole, and every once in a while comes out to say "hi!" s/he's very pretty. deeeeeep purple, with some bluish tints, and a white tail. this is sorta what s/he looks like

after that, i decided to do some yard work. i raked out the flowerbeds, i composted, i built a new compost bin, i raked the back yard. it was loads of fun! but i'm sore as hell now, 'cos i haven't done that much manual labor in some time. i also planted a few seeds (johnny jump-ups). i'm hoping they don't sprout before our last hard freeze. (i realized i probably shouldn't have planted them yet, but, oh well)

then work. fun.

we found out that scott's mother's cancer is inoperable. that's really not good. she'll have a meeting discussing plans of care next thursday. one of the options is chemo, which they'll most likely pursue, but if it won't really do anything to help, and just make her last months miserable, it may not be worth it.

now i'm wasting time writing a blog entry when i should really be working on my HWC reaction paper.
okay, goodnite.

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