Sunday, April 10, 2011

sometimes it's just the most comfortable place

it's been a relatively busy past few weeks. and it's not ready to start slowing down yet. boo.

on that note, Ini, i am working on a letter to send to you and Hutzi, but we have been so busy lately! now that our summit is over, elections are over, i should have some more time soon! i still, as well, need to find you the notebook binder! oy! i'm such a bad big brother, and a terrible foreign "son"!

tomorrow evening is the first KEC board meeting that i'll actually be attending as a board member! i'm in charge of taking minutes. i hope i don't fuck up. as i tend to have a habit of fucking up. blarg.

i spent a little bit of time doing some yard work today. i cleared out the peony bushes, and trimmed down the dead purple cone flower stalks. scott also helped me clean out some of the leaves and spiny ball seed things from the sidewalk. it's starting to look much nicer! i can't wait to get the garden up and going! (and to see if the seeds i planted decide to sprout)

unfortunately, spring always means two (bad) things for me.
1) terrible allergies. blerg.
2) sun rash. (gross, TMI, sorry) but it's flipping terrible! all over my hands, my elbows, and on my legs. it's itchy, and painful.

okay. i'm going to go eat a cookie. and get ready for bed. gn8!

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