i just woke up from a dream that really shook me up.
in this dream, i kept hiding in the small bathroom at my parent's house. i had rowen, but not ruby in there with me, and a bunch of blankets and towels on the ground. i kept looking at this car (an OLD red chevy blazer) out the window, but the bathroom door would start to open, and i would try to close it again. i kept hearing scott talking outside the door, but i didn't want him to know i was in there watching this car.
after a while i gave up on the hiding, and said i needed to go upstairs to the fish store. (?)
i get up there, and this big, buxom black lady starts showing me the fish for sale. it was a giant swimming pool (clear) full of male betta fish, and they had the most beautiful colors. in order to get the fish, the lady has to go INTO the pool (which is on the ceiling) and pick it up. i found one that i wanted, white with green/yellow fins that were really flowy. she starts to go in, but keeps grabbing the wrong fish. all of a sudden she screams to turn out the lights, and to hit the floor.
i'm looking out the window in the "fish store" now, and there are a bunch of guys shooting people. they've all jumped out of the red chevy blazer, and are shooting people left and right. the bullets come from the guns like bees out of a hive. they are bright red (they look like embers) and completely destroy whatever they touch (which is usually a person's face). i'm watching this whole event unfold, and can't stop.
all of a sudden, one of the guys notices me, and decides he is going to start shooting me. thankfully, i fall over before any of the bullets can hit me, but they end up shooting a cop in the face. his face looked like raw hamburger meat. then, the cops manage to get them all killed, and i wake up, as i jump into the pool of fish, searching for the right one.
a) what the FUCK does that mean?
b) why do i have to have such vivid, and terrifying dreams?
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