Sunday, June 26, 2011


i'm currently starting another batch of cold press. i made a finer ground coffee this time, and increased the amount of coffee from 85g to 100g. i also decreased the water from 330ml to 250ml. so, hopefully i'll get a better coffee. i'll find out tomorrow!

also, i'm working on my Deutsch! a co-worker is helping me learn. hopefully by the time i get back to Detuschland, i'll be able to communicate better (auf Deutsch).

On that thought; I'll be going back in late May. (master plan, May 26-June 15) If all goes according to plan, I'll be leaving in 334 days. Huzzah! (is it sad that i'm already starting a countdown?)

Last two thing, I promise.
1) In case you haven't had it, Stevia. Wonderful. And for me, it's Stevia season, 'cos I love it in my iced tea.
2) After two weeks of not walking (sorry body!) I'll be going back to walking every day again! yay!

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