i've been so horrible lately keeping up with this! i'll blame it on the heat, as in the past 15 days, yesterday was the first where it was finally below 40° - this has killed all of my tomatoes AND pepper plants. *sigh*
anyhow, onto the topic of today's post. places i have no desire to live in (or visit). I am compiling this list, because someone [scott] is convinced that I think I'd be happier any place but Kansas. This simply isn't true! So without further ado, here is James' list of places he won't live (or visit.)
1) LA. no words can express my feelings towards LA or any of it's suburbs.
2) Las Vegas. bleck. I just can't get over the "glitzy" tackiness
3) Wyoming. there is something startlingly unsettling about the homophobia in WY.
4) Kentucky. despite it's abbreviation as KY, something tells me it wouldn't be so fun.
5) Florida. not appealing in the least.
5) Phoenix. sparawl sprawl sprawl.
6) the Caribbean. it seems far too touristy and doesn't seem very welcoming towards those of us of the homosexual persuasion.
7) the vast majority of Northern Africa. (well, Africa in general, but some spots, like Kenya or Madagascar would be cool to visit.)
8) much of the middle east/persian gulf. Iran would be cool, sans the ultra conservative politics. as would Omar.
9) China. well, at least major cities in China. the less densely populated areas would be pretty amazing, but so many people make me feel a bit overwhelmed.
10) the Philippines. i don't really have much of a reason other than it's never intrigued me like so many other places.
ok, that's my list. feel free to criticize at will.
until next time, tschüss meine Lieben!
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