i've got a trillion fucking things spinning through my mind at the moment.
unusual? no.
but today they're much "heavier" than usual. one or two of them is tearing at my heart strings, and that makes me angry and closed off. the bitch of it all, is i don't have anyone with whom i an talk about it. i truly need my getaway. it's coming, soon, but not soon enough.
i feel that another week at my job is going to render me unfit for human consumption. honestly. i felt like screaming my entire shift yesterday.
one of the positive things running through my mind, is that i'm reconsidering the raphé ladder. (a series of frenum piercings along the underside of my wee-willy-winkie)
list of negatives,
ouch. out of "commission" for a good 2-3 weeks. problems walking for a few days. ouch.
list of positives,
they look awesome. personal growth (in the metaphysical terms). i'll have speedbumps! hehehe
ugh... i think i'm going to take a bike ride.
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