Sunday, November 2, 2008

oh, halloween.

for some reason, i always have visions of grandeur for each halloween.  but every year, it ends up that i don't meet those expectations.  

that isn't to say i don't have a good time, it's just that there are a trio of things that lead to the eventual disappointment of the holiday.

1) it always sneaks up on me
2) i never plan anything to dress up as.  or, if i do, i always neglect to get anything together.
3) it goes by so very quickly!

every time halloween comes and goes, i feel my heart is a little bit more saddened by the event.  the other problem, is that it means the imminent threat that is xmas time.  barf.  xmas is nothing but 2 months of guilt trips and consumerist crapola.  that, my dear children, is fodder for another blog entry.

anyhow, i did have fun on the day that IS halloween, but it wasn't so much halloween.  just good ol' friend time, with a little bit of wine, whine, and film.  :)   AND we learned that ruby and mavis' dog kimmy REALLY like one another!  that is such a fantastic turn of events!

i've got to go finish reading my willa cather now.  and work on my papers for the week.  later folksters!

1 comment:

TKERBG said...

I feel exactly the same way :-(. It saddens me very much....

I think I'm going to have a party....SOMETIME soon. I am thinking about having a New Years bash! Hopefully I have the basement done by then! I will talk to Chad :-).