Saturday, December 27, 2008

where i am.

i'm sitting in perry, oklahoma.  it's halfway between lawrence and frisco (texas).  why am i here?  because they are anticipating ice/snow around wichita, and i don't want to be stuck in ice.  yuck.  i think that's worse than spending last night in oklahoma.  

besides, it broke the drive up quite nicely.  two 4 hour trips instead of one 8 hour trip.  yay!  i'm going to eat lunch here i a little bit (yeah, early lunch, i know) and then head back on the road.  i don't want to get caught in any snow here.

xmas was nice, i'll probably fill you in, dear journal, on that later.  

and also, thanks to mavis for taking care of ruby-moobie hilly-billie for the time i'll be gone!  that's so great, and ruby will have such a fun time :)

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